how to grow nails fast with toothpaste

Do you want to know how to grow nails fast with toothpaste? Then read this article.

Nails are usually overlooked by most people. But for some, nails are a source of pride and an accessory that completes their look

They tell you a lot about the health of your body, that is,  If you have brittle, dry, or peeling nails, that could be an indicator of an underlying health problem.

But then how do you grow your nails fast with toothpaste? 

To grow nails fast with toothpaste, make a paste out of it and apply it to your nails. Leave it to sit for about half an hour, then wash and rinse. 

Can Toothpaste Help Grow Nails Fast?

can toothpaste help grown nails

For a long time now, you must have heard word that people use toothpaste to help grow their nails fast.

Now, you may love your nails but unfortunately, yours take ages to grow whenever you trim them. Then you are probably hassling for a way to speed things up. 

Did someone just tell you that toothpaste does work? Or did you read somewhere? 

Understand how disturbing it can be to be caught in such a mystery. But relax, this article will shed more light on this issue. 

Because you came looking for the answers, we will help you find the best. 

So, there is a common belief that toothpaste helps to grow nails. Whether or not this has been scientifically proven remains in the dark. 

However, as a matter of interest, I want to affirm to you that I have seen and helped several people grow nails using toothpaste.

How Much Toothpaste Is Needed?

toothpaste needed

Therefore, if you think that these are tantrums, then you are yet to try this out and we will help you confirm it. Indeed, toothpaste does help grow nails. 

Toothpaste rich in potassium phosphate, sodium fluoride, and calcium will work but it needs to be replaced every two months due to a loss of active ingredients over that period. 

In addition, a person needs around three bottles worth of regular toothpaste where this application process is followed. 

And for starters, it might be difficult to believe but after you will have tried this, then you will be able to tell that indeed toothpaste works magic. 

Tip: It’s no secret that toothpaste can be used as a body cleaning product, but have you ever heard of using it as a nail-growth product as well?

How To Grow Nails Fast  With Toothpaste

grow nails fast toothpaste

So, now you know that nails can be made to grow faster with toothpaste.

And because we want to hear from you, below is a step-by-step procedure that you should follow to guide you through how to make your nails grow faster with toothpaste. 

What You’ll Need

You will need the following instruments while working out this procedure: 

  • Toothpaste
  • Water
  • Cotton pads

Step #1:  Preparing The Toothpaste Mixture

The first step involves making a paste out of the toothpaste.

Amazing, is it? Now, even though toothpaste is already a paste in itself, it requires being warmed up for it to work here.

Before you start mixing your toothpaste, you need to make sure that the water is at room temperature.

toothpaste tube

To make the toothpaste mixture, add a small amount of water to the toothpaste tube and mix it with a spoon. Then add more water and mix it again.

Now you can use this mixture in your toothbrush. Turn and toss the mixture until the result is quite a sticky paste.

Tip: If the water is too cold, you should warm it up lightly.

Step #2: Add Salt

In your paste, add a tablespoon full of salt and keep mixing for another two minutes. Ensure that you end up with a very smooth and fine paste.

Step #3: Leave The Paste To Rest

Once you are done preparing the paste, you are not in a hurry here, after all, you should be doing this in your free time.

So, leave the paste you have just prepared to rest for between five to ten minutes.

Step #4: Applying The Toothpaste Mixture To Your Nails

apply paste to nails

This is the second step of a nail care routine. Now, that you have your paste ready, this is the step that calls for a lot of caution.

In this step, you will apply the toothpaste mixture to your nails. This will remove any dirt or oils that might be left on your nails.

If you are using a whitening toothpaste, this will also whiten your nails and get rid of any yellow stains or discoloration.

Apply the toothpaste to every nail using a soft piece of cloth or brush.

Note: If your toes are also afflicted, apply it too on them cautiously and skilfully.

Step#5: Leave The Paste To Rest

Once you are done smearing the paste on your nails, let the paste sit on your nails for about twenty minutes to half an hour. 

During this time, exercise a lot of caution while holding objects or avoid them until this time is up.

And if you have any extra time, then the longer you wait the better.

Tip: Use cotton to massage the nails cautiously at this moment.

Step #6: Rinse And Repeat!

rinse nails and repeat

You will need to rinse off the mixture after 30 minutes or so and repeat the process every day until you see results.

The mixture should be applied to your hair and scalp every day for at least two weeks before you see any noticeable changes. 

This is because nails grow about 1 centimeter per month on average, so it will take a while before you can tell if the treatment is working. In the meantime expect it to work.

Tip: Any commercially available toothpaste can be used to speed up the growth of nails. Colgate works best.

How Does Toothpaste Work To Speed Up The Growth Of Nails?

how toothpaste speed growth

You came looking for how to grow your nails fast with toothpaste, we gave you a step-by-step procedure to see it. 

Do you believe that it works, are you asking questions about how it gets to?

Most people claim that toothpaste will hardly aid in the growth of nails and that the entire subject is a myth.

However, as far as I am concerned, toothpaste has proved to work especially for people who have stunted nail growth. 

So then the question becomes how does a toothbrush do it? What magic does it play on the nails that make them grow fast and even when they have stunted?

Here is why toothpaste works as a pacesetter for the growth of nails.

The Nutrients In It

toothpaste minerals

Believe it or not, there are nutrients in toothpaste, that if applied to the nails, their uptake causes the sudden growth and activity in cells that stir the growth of the nails. 

Most kinds of toothpaste contain Vitamins and Biotin.

Therefore, these nutrients are solely responsible for the growth of nails, something you should be able to notice in as little as four to five weeks.

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Although it has not been scientifically tested and proven, based on our findings, toothpaste does help nails to grow fast.

And in this article, we have explained how to grow nails fast with toothbrush in black and white. 

We would love to hear from you. Be as good as to leave us your honest feedback. Did toothpaste work, or did it not work with you? 

We would love to hear your part of the story.

In the meantime, we believe and know that people with nail growth issues can embrace toothpaste as a method to trigger the growth of their nails.

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