
Accuracy, Completeness and Timeliness of Information

While we take steps to ensure that all information created by us for the J-Beauty is accurate and correct, we’re not perfect. In addition, while information may be accurate and complete at the time of posting, over time it may become dated and no longer reflect the current status. For example, some color palettes may be seasonal or limited edition, prices may change, or brands may discontinue a product. We are not responsible if information made available on this site is not accurate, complete or current at the time you read it. The material on this site is provided for general information only and should not be relied upon or used as the sole basis for making decisions.

We are not responsible for any personal loss, monetary loss, damage to skin or body or any other loss/damage in any form whatsoever. Readers are requested to compare other sources of information and consult with product manufacturers and experts before using our tips, guides, and advice.

Affiliates & Samples

Some links on The J-Beauty may contain affiliate links. This means that if you click on an affiliate link, go through to the retailer and purchase an item, J-Beauty will receive a small percentage of your purchase. Adding affiliate links to a post is always the last step I do after the review has been written and my opinion on the product has already been formed.

J-Beauty only recommends products that we genuinely love and would recommend to a friend, but we can’t guarantee that everything will work on all skin types. Please take into account your own skin type and allergies and wherever possible test products out yourself before purchasing.

Adverts & Sponsorships

It’s a rare occurrence, but I may accept sponsored content on The J-Beauty, which means that they are financially compensated to publish a campaign or article. Any feature that The J-Beauty has been remunerated for will feature ‘AD’ in the title and will be clearly marked ‘This is a Paid for Advertisement by X’ as the first line of the post, or above the fold of the description box on YouTube videos. We only ever work with brands that we love on campaigns and features that we feel are relevant for the site.

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