Can you use Color Oops on wet hair without having side effects?’
This is a smart question to ask. You probably had your hair dyed and think time is nigh you went back to your original hair color.
Then you probably are already aware that Color Oops is going to be your ultimate artificial hair color remover.
You might still want to try it on wet hair and aren’t sure as to whether it is in order or not.
Stick around because this article is your complete guide.
As a rule of thumb, Color Oops should only be used on two days of unwashed and dry hair. It is clearly written on the user’s indications, hence you should abide by them.
Application Of Hair Dye
Before you even get to know whether or not color oops can be applied to wet hair, there are a few things to note.
Allow me to bring you up to speed with hair dye and how Color Oops works.
The application of hair dye is common, especially among ladies. It does a lot to top up their beauty.
It gives the natural hair color some rest, among other many reasons behind why people dye their hair. However, artificial hair color is meant for the short term.
When the time comes you are going to dispel your dye to restore the natural hair color or dye it with a different one. As a matter of fact, there is no better and faster way to do it than you would with color oops.
But then, how does Color Oops work?
How Do Color Oops Work?
Hair dyes and artificial colors are held together by bonds of ammonia. The brilliant minds that manufacture Color Oops use special treatment chemicals.
These chemicals expel the dye from the hair by detaching and separating the covalent bonds of ammonia.
Sulfur is one of the chemical components of Color Oops that washes away all the dye when washing and rinsing.
Can You Use Color Oops On Wet Hair?
Someone once asked me this question, “should I wash my hair before using color oops?”
Well, a while back, I was the one expressing concerns as to whether it is in order for me to use Color Oops on wet hair or not.
I must mention that at one time I had tried it. I washed my hair a few minutes before applying color oops to dispel the dye and it failed terribly.
Therefore, if you think that Color Oops will remove the dye on wet hair, then you are in for a rude shock. That won’t work.
Note: Color Oops should never be used with wet hair.
The Outcome Of Using Color Oops On Wet Hair
You might want to experiment with it, a move I wouldn’t advise. Get it right that color oops won’t and will never get rid of artificial hair color and dyes.
Regardless of how hard you try, it won’t bulge.
But again, if you choose to go about it, brace for the risks and the failure that awaits you.
Even after you have applied Color Oops to wet hair, by the time you are washing it off, all the dye shall remain intact and unmoved.
If you are asking why I have answers coming up next.
Why You Shouldn’t Use Color Oops on Wet Hair
Can you use Color Oops on wet hair? As of now, you are now aware color oops should never be used with wet hair.
There are an array of reasons why you shouldn’t and they are as follows.
User Instructions
Have you bothered reading through the instructions on the container with Color Oops? If you do, you will realize that the indications state that Color Oops should never be used with wet hair.
That is the first simple reason you should not try it. Is it not best to heed user instructions? It is. The manufacturers know why they have this guideline there.
They have absolutely conducted their tests before they even launched the product to the market for consumer use. It is straight and simple.
The manufacturer indicates that you should not use color oops on wet hair. So do not.
Tip: Ensure you read through all the indications on the product container and check the best by date before using it.
Reduces The Color Oops Strength
Hair soaked in water detrimentally reduces the Color Oops dye removal strength.
The reason behind this is that water accelerates the speed with which shedding should happen.
Thus, this impacts the Color Oops power negatively. Usually, hair will absorb water if washed, chemical bonds will begin to shed as you apply color oops hence there won’t be any significant results.
As long as it works well on all shades, the hair must be left unwashed for a minimum of two days prior to the day you wish to clear off the dye.
Tip: Washing hair before applying color oops equals diluting it. It will not have the strength to wash off the artificial color.
Leads To Hair Loss
When you go applying color oops on wet hair, you risk destroying the roots of your hair which result in hair loss.
The reason is that wet hair speeds up the rate with which Color Oops is absorbed by the hair into the roots.
You might start noticing that your hair has become dry and dull.
How To Use Color Oops To Remove Hair Dye And Artificial Colors Safely
You won’t be using Color Oops on wet hair again. Just above, you learned why it is totally out of place.
And because I can’t leave you reeling in more confusion, I will show you the procedures.
You will need to follow these procedures while using Color Oops. It is best if used to remove dark and red artificial hair colors.
Here are the steps to follow.
Step #1: Mix both contents
In the color oops kit, there are two containers, 1 and 2. Mix both of them in a single container and stir properly for two to three minutes.
Step #2: Apply the content
You can get hold of a hairbrush or toothbrush that will penetrate well to the hair roots.
Before you get to work, put on a face mask and gloves since you will be dealing with chemicals here.
It is best if you get a second person to do it for you.
Make them separate the hair into three to four equal portions. Then brush hair with color oops from the roots of the hair to its apex.
They should thoroughly massage the hair so that the color oops mix sinks deep into the hair.
Leave the blend to rest in the hair for exactly twenty minutes. With any extra minutes, color oops begins to lose its strength.
Tip: The hair must be left dry two days before removal of the dye with Color Oops.
Step#3: Wash it off
After exactly twenty minutes, wash off Color Oops with warm running water until all of it is gone.
If all of it is not washed off in the first mix, leave the hair to dry and redo the process after a day.
Lately, color oops has been famed for its power to remove even the most permanent hair dye. It has received accolades for its ability to wash off black and red dyes that tend to be the most notorious artificial hair colors.
However, chemistry at its best came up with Color Oops as a go-to product. But can you use Color Oops on wet hair?
If you used to think that you can use it to clear dyes from wet hair, then this article informs you that you shouldn’t even think about it.
I hope you found this article useful.